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StrongPoint Events

Check out our current events schedule below!


Join us in person or virtually for our StrongPoint worship experience, every Sunday at 10:30am.

To attend in person, join us at 10:30am at StrongPoint Church.

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Every Sunday @10:30am

StrongPoint Sunday Worship

Both StartingPoint sessions are for those looking to complete their membership at StrongPoint!

Stop in the Welcome Center for more information, or fill out the "Become a Member Form" to get started.

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1st & 2nd Sunday of every month

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9:30am in the Fresh Start Room


ConnectingPoint is a monthly event designed to match members with volunteer opportunities at StrongPoint.

Members meet with specific volunteer teams that can benefit from their spiritual gifts and learn how they can help build the Body of Christ.

Completion of Starting Point 1 & 2 and the spiritual gifts test is required beforehand.

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4th Sunday of every month from 9:30 - 10:20 a.m

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Upstairs in the Hospitality Center


StrongPoint volunteers currently serving on a dream team, please join us in the sanctuary directly after service.

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Sunday, February 16

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Directly After Service, 12:15pm - 1:00pm

Dream Team Huddle

We are excited to welcome Pastor Justin Enoch of The Warehouse Church in Parkersburg, WV to StrongPoint Church as a guest speaker. He is known for engaging sermons that are lively and unique, so be sure to join us!

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Sunday, February 16

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Guest Speaker: Pastor Justin Enoch

Whether you’re newlyweds or have been married for decades, marriage experts believe that intentionally spending time on your marriage is one of the best ways to keep it strong.

Renew your commitment, reestablish common ground, and increase your connection.

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February 21 6pm - February 22 12pm

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Storyside Marriage Conference

This special weekend will be an opportunity for couples to invest in and be intentional about strengthening their marriage.

Registration for the conference includes dinner Friday night and breakfast Saturday morning. Pastors Lonnie and Tracy are guest speakers at the event.

Conference activities begin at 6:00pm on Friday, February 21st and 9:00am Saturday, February 22nd at Chenoweth Rd., Akron, 44312. This event will conclude at 12:30pm Saturday.

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Feb 21 6–9pm - Feb 22 9am–12:30pm

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Compass North Marriage Conference

Super Sowing Sunday will be on March 2nd at 10:30 AM! We'll be giving publicly as we sow financial seeds, believing God to answer prayers and show up in supernatural ways by granting us the desires of our hearts. According to Ecclesiastics 3:2; there's a time to plant & a time to pluck. Let's get seed in the ground and expect a harvest.

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March 2

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Super Sowing Sunday
Events Calendar

So What's Next?

We are a community that exists every day of the week, not just Sundays. Use these awesome tools to stay connected with us and to take your next steps.

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Once you download the Church Center app and choose StrongPoint Church  you will be able to donate, and check in during our church events!

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